So it happened today that we had to visit a hospital for a chat with a doctor. First of all I am so glad that we got that fancy-shmancy expensive insurance where we don't need to pay anything and it should be handled on its own. 

I reached out to the insurance company in Denmark over email and they replied within couple hours even though it was night in Denmark. They took the matter in their own hands and notified the hospital that all the money question will be taken care by insurance company so we didn't need to pay anything on the site. So we went... 

There was only one option offered to us in Hoi An by the insurance company (btw the isurance company is Gouda if you will need it). The hospital was Pacific Hospital and their website looks like this, they also have a few reviews on the google maps like this one :

Don't go to this hospital if anything serious!!!!!!!!!! They have no idea what they are doing! I went to the hospital after I felt from the bike and hurt my feet very badly. The staff of the hospital was very nice and both nurses and the doctor spoke English very well. They helped me with the insurance company and then made an X ray of the feet. The doctor told me that the feet is not broken but only bruised and smashed badly. He told that I should walk less than normally and gave me antibiiotic and painkiller. After the accident the feet started to swell horribly. I could hardly walk. Since the situation was not changing, 2 days later i went to the hospital again and told the doctor that I believe something is wrong. He looked at the feet and said that swelling is typical because I walk to much and I should lay more with my feet above. Also, he gave me some medication for swelling. The doctor seemed very proffessional so I trusted him. One week I spent with feet which was twice its normal size and hurt very badly. During the whole time I was walking a bit. After I came back to POland I went to the doctor and showed him an X ray made in Pacific hospital. He was amazed that they X rayed only the part of the feet!! After new X ray it occured that several bones in my feet are broken!! Also, my ankle is twisted very seriously!! I will spend a long time laying in the bed and hoping that my feet will ever get 100% good again due to their mistake! SO DO NOT EVER GO THERE!! They did not notice the broken bones!!!

Very hopeful... 

Anyway we went there and I just want to mention a few things. There is a clear separation between local people and international people. The waiting hall was full of locals waiting for help (or something) but when we arrived the nurce just told us to go to the second floor where a nice old man was waiting for us by the elevator and took us to an examination room where 2 nurces and one man were sitting.

First things first - the money! I told them that the insurance company had contacted the hospital and will take care of the bill. They started looking for our name in a stack of printed papers. The name was not found so they started calling some numbers and asking questions. Finally the name was found and they asked us "how can we help you"... I explaind the situation and then I was asked to fill in 2 pages of forms with our data. Then doctor came, read the pages and took blood for test (i think it is standard no matter what you come with) and then suggested a shot to help the situation ... and left. The nurse took the blood but when I asked her what the shot is for - she sais something we didn't like because it would not solve our issue. They they started ... GOOGLING !!! to find out what the shot if for (this particular medication). They found a few words that would suggest something similar to what we are experiencing and so we agreed to take the shot. 

Indeed the shot helped and 30 minutes later we were on our way out. We also got some pills to manage the future a bit and it was it. 

Overall we had good experience with the hospital and doctor. The doctor seemed knowledgeable but it was only my observation, it is hard to say as we didn't speak much, he only read stuff. Besides we came in with the diagnosis ready, he only needed to provide the help. I am not sure what would be the outcome if he should have done the diagnosis. Anyway, I feel like we should stay healthy and avoid visiting hospitals here. But it is good to know that our insurance company can deliver even in Hoi An :) 



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