We are in Indonesia! 

Yes, it has been a long stay in Malaysia and we were looking forward to move to a new place. The extra motivation to move was added by the destination place "Royal Ambarrukmo". More about that will be in future post. Now it is about the move. 

First of all thanks to our host in Penang - Wendy and her place. If you ever in Penang, check the place out you will get a lot of tips about where to go and what to eat. 

Out travel to Indonesia started at 5am when we woke up. Drove to the airport to avoid traffic. We were at the airport at 6:30. 

The car

We had to return the rented car and the office was opening at 7:30. There was a scratch on the car which might have been put there by us, but I was not sure. So potentially we were looking into some money loss (maximum 2000 sek) but during the inspection of the car it appeared that the scratch was there before us. Phew! 

The flight

Air Asia was supposed to deliver us to Jakarta taking off at 10:45 but eventually we took off at 13:42 (interesting fact, Air Asia will pay you compensation if a flight is delayed more than 3 hours :). We landed in Jakarta at 15:01 local time.

The pressure was rising because our next flight to Yogyakarta was booked separately and with another airline and was taking off at 17:00. The flight was from another terminal of the airport. So in 1,5 hours we had to 

  • Go through passport control (because we came into another country)
  • pick up the luggage
  • get to another terminal (more like find a way to get there)
  • manage to dropp off the luggage 
  • make it to the gate before it closes 

1,5 hours = 90 minutes seems like a doable time but it is very short. We had to cut the line at the pasport control and ask some people to let us forward. Have you been to Jakarta airport? no? I think you can literaly arange a marathon run inside the airport and you probably will not pass the same spot twice (i am exaggerating but you get the picture)! It seemed endless. We had to wait for the luggage - we had 2 pieces and our first bag came out withing the first 5 but the second one didn't want to appear ... Then it was the run to the train, thankfully there is a lot of staff that can point you toward the train which goes between the terminals. When we reached the platform information desk told us that the wait is about 10 min before the next train and the ride is about 10 min to Terminal 1 where we had to get. 20 minutes is a luxury we didn't have so we asked about other option of getting to Terminal 1 which was the bus. 

Q: "we don't have 20 minutes, can we take the bus instead? when is the next bus?"
A: "it is uncertain ... " 
welcome to Indonesia :) 

We took the train. 

As i mentioned we had 2 pieces of luggage (1 had wheels the other didn't, so i had to carry it). At the exit from the train platform there was a guy telling me "Sir, here, take the trolley" I answered "thanks, no need, we are going right there" and I was pointing 20 meters away, across the street at the terminal 1. Oh how was I mistaken. The terminal is huge and it seemed like we were on the other end of it from where we had to be. Alena was running with the stroller (good thing our stroller could be used for running) and I was with the bags (felt like a hard workout). We had to reach entrance 1A. It was about 500 meters but very painful ones. 

We made it and even had time to get some buns and pau for the flight. In Yogyakarta we landed when it was already dark, a person from hotel met us and took to the hotel. Very helful staff made our evening quite pleasant and a bit uncomfortable because of the amount of "sir" and "madam" we heard... 

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